A mixed-media abstract artist from Dubai, UAE. She has been painting in a non-rep

resentational style, mostly abstracts, using acrylics and watercolors. Her paintings are inspi

red from nature, and passion for flowers has found its expression in my art. I

t’s the joy and pleasure that flowers spread through their shapes and colors and scents that she wants to portray through her floral paintings. It reminds me to slow down and reconnect with nature and Nuqra wants the beholder to take a moment and look around for the beauty and peace that nature has to offer.


in her art allows the freedom of expression that is not limited to visual realities. Textu

re, dimension, and color form the basis of Khan’s abstracts, and it’s up to the viewers to discover their own personal meanings in the paintings. She expresses the solace and harmony that one finds in nature through her paintings.

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